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8:10 PM

August 27, 2008 Hot Trends

Time may be running out for a 64-bit Vista-based ZoneAlarm

Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:34:42 PDT
The difficulty for third-party developers to produce security software for the most feature-rich Vista kernel continues to this day, and a lack of news from ZoneAlarm suggests it could persist well into next year.

Green Goes to College

Wed, 27 Aug 2008 08:26:26 PDT
A comprehensive look at nationwide trends in sustainability among America's institutions of higher learning shows that a commitment to green operations ranks high priority.

Fox News - Part1 - Israeli Spy ring and 911

Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:40:17 PDT
Series de reportages sur l'arrestation d'espions Israéliens aux états-Unis et de leur possible liens avec les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Ces reportages de Fox News ont été retirés de plusieurs sites web et blogues.

SAT scores lowest in a decade (for 2nd straight year)

Wed, 27 Aug 2008 09:34:28 PDT
VOTE] Worry or Relax? Could be because more kids are taking it or could be because our kids are collectively failing to achieve. "For a second straight year, SAT scores for the most recent high school graduating class remained at the lowest level in nearly a decade, a trend attributed to a record number of students now t

Funnies on Your iPhone with Digital Comix from iVerse Media

Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:11:09 PDT
Wireless and Mobile News reports that iVerse Media will be offering free and low cost comics formatted for iPhones and iPods. They are open to new comic creators for submissions.

2008 Fall Fashion Trends

Wed, 27 Aug 2008 16:28:27 PDT
Check out this article for the latest fashion trends and styles for Fall 2008.Be sure to DIGG it:-) Men's Styles for you, friends, boyfriend, husband, whomever!

GNU/Ubuntu on MSNBC

Wed, 27 Aug 2008 17:32:23 PDT
Jane Silber posted on the ubuntu-news-team list that Ubuntu could get plugged on US TV Wednesday during a discussion of new notebooks.

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