Scott's : Breaking News

7:22 PM

September 12, 2008 Breaking News

Apple iPhone 2.1 firmware update now available | iPhone News

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 18:28:40 PDT
Apple has posted the new 2.1 firmware update for 2G and 3G iPhones, following its announcement at the “Let’s Rock ” event on Tuesday. The update is only available through the new iTunes 8, via the usual ‘Check for Update’ button on the iPhone screen.

This is Angelique. She wanted to die with dignity.

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 17:13:45 PDT
This is the saddest news article I have ever read. Watch the video, I was fighting back the tears...

Attention Attractive Marketers - Create Content for Facebook

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 18:22:51 PDT
Here's why you want to create content for Facebook right now (remember what it means to leverage the news).

No spin before morning coffee, thanks (The Globe and Mail)

Mon, 08 Sep 2008 08:22:11 PDT
Conservatives' morning media blitz stalls on first day

Tories' face tough grilling at first early-morning news conference (The Canadian Press via Yahoo! Canada News)

Mon, 08 Sep 2008 04:53:00 PDT
OTTAWA - Conservative party plans to dominate media coverage with daily announcements at dawn ran into a snag on the first full day of the federal election campaign.

Attention Attractive Marketers - Create Content for Facebook

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 18:22:51 PDT
Here's why you want to create content for Facebook right now (remember what it means to leverage the news).

7.8 BILLION Messages Per Hour!

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 10:26:06 PDT
According to Research done by Marshal and confirmed by sites like Barracuda Central ONE Botnet is responsible for 7.8 BILLION messages per hour and the trend is to try and infect your computer as well as try and send you pills or something else you don�t need like specialized trimmers for your pet's toe nails.

DNA Supplements - The Next Trend?

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 17:47:58 PDT
Breakthroughs in DNA sequencing are beginning to influence how supplements are being made. Aside from the old Myostatin Inhibitor scam supplements put out anout 8 years ago, the first two companies to actually take DNA into consideration when formulating supplements are GeneWize Life Sciences and another company called Nu Bound (pictured on left).

News Scan Briefs: Eyes on the Tops of Their Heads; Play Date

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 17:59:16 PDT
The bizarre metamorphosis that occurs in halibut and other flatfish had even Charles Darwin floundering for an explanation. At birth, these fish have one eye on each side of the skull, but as adults, both eyes reside on the same side. Certainly, for fish that spend their lives along the sea bottom, having both eyes topside confers a survival advant

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