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Current News for April 26, 2008

Mike Tyson Is Fat Now The Camera Adds 65 Pounds]

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 16:34:17 PDT
I don’t know why… but I didn’t see this one coming. Mike may be crazy, ill tempered, foul mouthed, and dabbling in drugs, but he’s never been fat. Maybe it’s because he’s been on a series of dinner tours where he also does public speaking and meet-n-greets. The good news in all of this is he won’t be in the ring embarrassing himself any time soon

Grand Theft Auto IV - First Impressions

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 16:44:45 PDT
Grand Theft Auto IV - First Impressions So I dropped the disc into my Xbox 360, after a day at work frustratingly waiting for home time for a chance to play Rock star’s new and eagerly anticipated game. The first few moments of the game set the scene with fancy camera work and a credits role, the way a new hyped film would. …]

Great Tennis Photos

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 13:54:13 PDT
All tennis news, photos and videos in one place!

Twitter: Brevity is the soul of wit

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 16:45:37 PDT
I’m into my second phase of Twitter use, and am finding it more enjoyable, and a little more useful, than the first time I tried it. To backtrack; Twitter is “micro-blogging”. It’s most similar to the Facebook status function. Some people think it’s SMS for the Web, but as people don’t use txtspk but normal language instead, not sure that’s a good comparison. You type in a message of up to 140 characters. And that’s it. You can “follow” other people’s Twitters (I refuse to get drawn into sema

Foreclosure Is Not The End Of Home Ownership

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 12:50:27 PDT
Often when people face foreclosure it feels as though dreams of home ownership are shattered. The good news is that there are options for home ownership available to those with poor credit. This article will help you see

No cheese needed with this whine, thanks

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 16:07:37 PDT
Gonna be one of those days. Been up for hours but haven't felt awake yet at all. Anyone have an IV of caffeine they'd like to hook me up to? *yawn* Exhaustion alien: 1 Me: *yawn* I got enough sleep. It's just exhaustion alien for sure. My eyes are watering from yawning so much, just typing this has me more exhausted, I almost did the grandpa "resting my eyes" thing while typing this even. You all had a grandpa who did that right? Just resting my eyes... right while SNORING. If you're

Questions on budgeting and financial planning

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 13:12:59 PDT
More on In response to a World News story on a young family struggling to make ends meet, I answered viewer questions this week on budgeting and general financial planning. The questions covered budgeting, credit cards, home ownership and other such topics.

Get ready for the 30th anniversary of e-mail spam

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:47:21 PDT
In 1978, the first unsolicited e-mail was sent, to hundreds of users of the government computer network Arpanet. The phenomenon would later be demarkated as "spam" and revered as one of the most lucrative and controversial trends in Internet history.

TV tonight: Five worth watching (Toronto Star)

Sun, 20 Apr 2008 01:44:58 PDT
Oprah and Jen give it up: Oprah's Big Give pulls out the big guns for its season finale, with a special appearance by Jennifer Aniston, who will apparently deliver "big news" in this closer (CTV, ABC at 8).



Broadcaster, Canada - Apr 22, 2008
Mr. Stursberg oversees all aspects of CBC's English language services, which includes, among other things, the main network (CBC), Newsworld (a 24-hour all ...

Two Girls One Cup, Reactions, Pop Culture and Literature

Sat, 26 Apr 2008 14:57:58 PDT
This post began as a dare of sorts made by Felix Gilman regarding a joking comment of mine in one of his posts, but as I thought about it, I thought I'd make a few brief observations about cultural expectations and how these might apply to SF to some degree. I did not provide the actual video to "Two Girls One Cup," because coprophagia does not appeal to me at all. But after having endured being "rickrolled" into seeing Tub Girl and the goatse guy in years past, from the sounds of things this i

N'Sync star speaks out for Day of Silence

Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:05:15 PDT
Gay bishop to attend Lambeth conference despite previous rejection The most senior openly gay cleric in the Anglican Communion, Gene Robinson intends to attend the 2008 Lambeth Conference to be held in Caterbury despite previously refusing to. Popularity: 13% ?] Video: PinkNews editor takes Boris Johnson to task At the Stonewall hustings for the Mayor of London, chair of the hustings, editor, Tony Grew, took Conservative Party Candidate Boris Johnson to task. Popula

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